Eminem’s ‘Houdini’ Sparks Controversy Regarding Megan Thee Stallion


Eminem shares his new single referencing Megan Thee Stallion's 2020 Shooting incident which sparked a CONTROVERSY.

Eminem's 'Houdini' Sparks Controversy Regarding Megan Thee Stallion

EMINEM, also known as the RAPGOD has once again sparked a controversy. Eminem, being an expert in raising eyebrows with his controversial lyrics, recently dropped his new song ‘Houdini’ which is no exception, has definitely gained a lot of positive and negative love for the song but also created a new controversy and is getting talked about around the globe. The song in which the lyrics references to a fellow female rapper known as Megan Thee Stallion, who is also quite very popular, has somehow got into his lyrics and this controversy. Actually the thing is that the lyrics in the song ‘Houdini’ referenced to a shooting incident which occured back in 2020, happened with the fellow female rapper Megan Thee Stallion.

Lyrics Referencing Megan Thee Stallion

Eminem's 'Houdini' Sparks Controversy Regarding Megan Thee Stallion

‘Houdini’, containing lyrics regarding Megan Thee Stallion was like –

“If I was to ask for Megan Thee Stallion if she would collab with me Would I really have a shot at a feat?”

The mention Eminem made for Megan Thee Stallion in his song didn’t went unnoticed. Megan, being a prominent figure with her chart-topping hits has added a curiosity and controversy among the fans and the critics.

The song has definitely brought a lot and different arguments and debates among the fans and the critics but only Eminem can tell why he did such a thing, it was definitely on purpose but the thing is, it couldd be a common tactic done in rap battles, a competitive jab, or a respectful acknowledgement of her and what she went through back in 2020.

Return of Slim Shady


Is The Slim Shady back. Fans are arguing about the return of The Slim Shady, Eminem’s alter ego, also known for his dark humour, controversial statements and unfiltered commentary on society.

Fans are debating that the slim shady is back or atleast the signature style of the slim shady is, with Eminem’s ‘Houdini‘. 

Fans and Critics

With the release of the song ‘Houdini’, the song has led to a lot of different reactions throughout the social media, with fans and critics sharing their opinions on the lyrics of the song. Some fans sees it as the return of the classic Eminem with his provocative lyrics and also loving it, but some on the other hand are talking about the reference on Megan and says that he ‘Eminem’ has crossed a line and should not have done it. The thing is the debate will go on and everyone including his fans and critics have their own opinion on the song.

The Impact on career

For Eminem, this controversy is nothing new, as he has often done it a lot of time with his songs and got into a lot of controversies. So this is nothing new for him. But for Megan, this could be seen as a positive impact on her career as she has been mentioned by the RAPGOD Eminem himself in his song, which has definitely gained her some popularity in the Hip-Hop scene recently, otherwise who was talking about her right now with no new release at the moment but still got into the trending spot with Eminem worldwide.


‘Houdini’ is yet another example from Eminem of what he can do with his songs to stirr things up and give the fans and critics to talk something about. And the reference to Megan has only added more fuel to this ongoing fire creating a controversy which is getting talked about throughout the globe, even by people who dont know or like either of the artists, Eminem and Megan Thee Stallion.

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